About Us

Marcade is a subsidiary of Rigel & Crew Marketing Consultancy, a company that offers 360 degrees marketing consultancy. Marcade specialises in creating interactive, multi-stage, gamified, competitive marketing simulations using real-life scenarios.

As of 2024, we have successfully implemented our simulations with companies and universities across four continents and in numerous countries.

As Rigel & Crew, we have been assisting actual companies to improve their marketing efficiencies and efficacies. We have been doing this for many years now. The ROI figures we have achieved for our clients are much higher than our competitors.

In addition, we have accumulated a great deal of experience in various sectors over the years. In brief, we know what we are doing, and we decided to share what we know with people who would like to gain experience in the field of marketing. We value education above everything. Therefore, as Rigel & Crew, we decided to share our expertise and knowledge to assist people in becoming more qualified marketing professionals. Thus, Marcade was born.

We currently offer three different marketing simulations:

Conquer the Internet®, a digital marketing and digital marketing metrics simulation that includes digital marketing decisions about Search Engine Marketing, E-Mail Marketing, Forums and Chat Rooms, Social Networks, Celebrity Endorsement, Mobile Marketing, Crisis Management, and the measurement of 20 different digital marketing metrics such as CPC, Impressions, CTR, TCR, Clickthroughs, CPM, Reach, Average Frequency, Conversions, Bounce Rate, Engagement Rate etc.

The difficulty level for this simulation is: Easy. Participating in the simulation requires no prior marketing or digital marketing knowledge.

Conquer the Market® is a brand management, new product development and marketing management simulation that has three stages; Market Research, Shaping the Product, and Marketing Plan. Conquer the Market® is a simplified version of Conquer the World®. In addition to Conquer the World®’s target segment, it is also suitable for people with more limited knowledge in the field of marketing and for people who would like to experience how it feels like to work in a marketing department to decide whether they would like to become a marketing professional or not.

The difficulty level for this simulation is: Medium. Understanding of basic marketing concepts would be helpful in Conquer the Market®.

Conquer the World® is our most comprehensive simulation and its difficulty level is hard. Conquer the World® is not an introductory simulation to the marketing field. If you would like to decide whether a career in marketing is for you, you should participate in our other simulations.

Conquer the World® is for people who already know that they would like to be marketing professionals or already are. This simulation has a high difficulty level and requires prior knowledge in the marketing field.

In Conquer the World®, there are decisions related to various subcategories of marketing and related fields, such as:

Conquer the World® is a complete marketing suite for your courses and a perfect technical assessment/training tool for companies. For individual users, it is an excellent tool for testing their marketing knowledge, and gain insights into possible solution alternatives for scenarios unencountered before.

All of our simulations are interactive, multi-stage, gamified, and competitive.

The data and results in our simulations are taken from real life and actual companies. Participants of our simulations make decisions in a real-life context.

In addition, we offer optional live discussion sessions. We answer all questions participants have in their minds after they complete a simulation or a round. We explain the reasoning behind participants’ results in a live discussion session.

Also, our simulations have received overwhelmingly positive feedback (96%) at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and companies so far, which means they have been extensively tested and verified. You can use them individually or in your classes/courses/company without hesitation or doubt.

Our current NPS (Net Promoter Score) stands at 96.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students from prestigious universities (such as Universidad de Navarra, home to IESE Business School, which was ranked #1 in the world for its full-time MBA by The Economist), and marketing professionals from multinational companies (such as Coca Cola, Danone, Inditex, Novartis) have been participating in our simulations since our company was established.

Please click here for more information about Marcade and our simulations.